Bio identical Hormone therapy Guilford County, NC - Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones are created to be exactly the same on a molecular level as the hormones produced in the human body. This allows them to bind properly to receptors and mimic natural hormone activity.

Some key things to know:

Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy specializes in bioidentical hormone therapies to help patients restore optimal hormonal balance. Our experienced physicians take the time to properly diagnose hormone levels and customize treatment plans using cutting-edge bioidentical hormones.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Deficiency

Hormone levels naturally decline with age, leading to deficiency signs. Both men and women may experience issues like:

The wide variety of possible symptoms makes proper testing critical for an accurate deficiency diagnosis. Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy uses advanced diagnostic procedures and regularly monitors patient hormone levels throughout therapy.

Our services

Restore your vitality with bioidentical hormones from Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy.

Key Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Restoring hormones to optimal levels can produce life-changing benefits, including:

Basics of Treatment Procedure

Beginning bioidentical hormone therapy with Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy involves:

  1. Initial consultation - medical history and evaluation of symptoms
  2. Diagnostic blood and/or saliva testing to assess hormone levels
  3. Customizing a treatment plan based on test results and patient goals
  4. Follow-up testing and monitoring to ensure optimal hormone balance

We develop customized plans involving high quality bioidentical hormones in various forms - injections, gels, creams, capsules, or pellets. Patients then return periodically to evaluate progress, adjust dosages as needed, and renew prescriptions.

Close provider oversight and careful dose titration provides effective relief while ensuring patient safety remains the top priority. We also provide lifestyle guidance to help patients achieve the best possible treatment success.

Table 1: Main Hormones Used in Treatment

Hormone Key Roles Deficiency Signs
Estrogen Women's reproduction and sexual health, skin elasticity, bone strength Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, mood changes
Progesterone Supports pregnancy, regulates menstrual cycle Irregular periods, anxiety, sleep issues
Testosterone Muscle/bone health, sex drive, energy Low libido, reduced strength and endurance
DHEA Immunity, energy, skin and hair health Fatigue, thinning hair, lowered immunity
Thyroid (T3 & T4) Metabolism, temperature regulation, weight Fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold

Why a Qualified Provider Matters

Successfully restoring hormonal balance requires an experienced physician specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy. Key factors when selecting a provider:

Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy meets all these criteria for superior patient-centered care. Let us help you unlock the benefits of optimal hormone balance!

Feel younger. Restore your vitality.

Debunking Common Myths

There are many misconceptions about bioidentical hormone therapy. Let's clear up some common myths with facts.

Myth: Bioidenticals have more risks than traditional hormone therapy

Fact: FDA testing confirms bioidenticals are equally safe when properly dosed and monitored. They also mimic natural activity more closely.

Myth: The body's natural decline should just be accepted

Fact: Restoring youthful hormonal levels can promote better health, quality of life, and slow aging. Thorough testing ensures balance.

Myth: These treatments are not well studied

Fact: Extensive research backs both the safety and significant benefits of properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy.

Lifestyle Plays a Role Too

We provide personalized lifestyle guidance as well to help patients achieve the best results from bioidentical hormone therapy such as:

Making positive lifestyle changes magnifies the benefits of balanced hormone levels. Our physicians remain up-to-date on the latest research to provide you with science-backed recommendations.

Interesting Research on Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone plays a key role in men's health. Recent research highlights how maintaining youthful testosterone levels as men age benefits areas like:

This expands our understanding of testosterone's protective effects beyond just muscles and body composition.

Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy provides cutting-edge testosterone bioidentical therapies to proactively preserve men's health during aging.

Bioidentical Hormones for Anti-Aging & Longevity

Bioidentical hormone therapy has also shown promise for:

By preventing age-related hormone declines, bioidenticals may help slow aspects of the aging process. Customized treatment plans aim to mimic youthful hormone levels shown in research to offer optimal health.

Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy stays current on anti-aging research to best help patients retain vigor, health and function through proactive hormone balance.

Restoring Vitality at Any Age

Finally, it is never too late to explore treatment, even into advanced age. 98-year old patient Barbara H. shares:

"I'd struggled with low energy for years before finally consulting with Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy. Custom estrogen/testosterone therapy restored my zest for life! I feel 20 years younger - back gardening, painting, and enjoying family. I can't believe I waited so long!"

Numerous patients report reinvigorated joy and quality of life after beginning care with our clinic. Contact us today for a consultation!

Table 2: Potential Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Benefit Description
Increased Energy Balanced hormones can restore youthful vitality and stamina.
Improved Mood Treatment may reduce anxiety, irritability, and mood swings.
Better Sleep Hormonal balance often leads to improved sleep quality.
Enhanced Cognitive Function Optimal hormone levels support brain health and mental clarity.
Healthier Body Composition Bioidenticals promote lean muscle mass and reduced body fat.
Revitalized Sex Life Restoring hormones can increase libido and sexual function.
Smoother, Firmer Skin Balanced estrogen and testosterone benefit skin health and appearance.


Bioidentical hormone therapy offers a promising path to restoring optimal hormone balance and unlocking a wide range of life-changing benefits. By working closely with experienced providers like those at Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy, patients can safely and effectively address the impacts of age-related hormone decline.

Through customized treatment plans, ongoing monitoring, and a commitment to scientific research, Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy helps patients reclaim their vitality, health, and overall quality of life. If you're experiencing signs of hormone deficiency, consider exploring the potential of bioidentical hormone therapy today.

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